Sabbatical from January 14-March 1: Get your New Year’s readings now!

Hello friends: I will be going on medical sabbatical and moving to a new apartment from January 14 through March 1. During that time I will not be offering readings or magic/spiritual work.

But until then, I’m available! Come have a Vodou reading from me and we’ll see what the spirits want to say to you about 2020. You can purchase a reading at my store on this site, then email me at manbomary at gmail dot com to schedule. I look forward to hearing from you!

A nice customer testimonial

“Manbo Mary is an exceptional reader. I came to her for clarification about a dream I had and left with more insight than I could imagine. Her kindness and spiritual depth resonates as she performs her sacred task. I couldn’t possibly recommend her enough. I was blessed to have her read my esko as well as provide very poignant messages. Mesi anpil Manbo!”
– Michel D., New Brunswick; Canada

Card Readings in Vodou: What They Can and Can’t Tell You

Bonjou zanmi! Some of you reading this have had psychic readings before, either with tarot cards or runes or by some other medium. In Vodou,we also have a divination method called “leson”.

When you get a leson, it’s a bit different than other divination readings you may have had. First, you will be asked to pour out some water as an offering to spirit. Then, the priestess/priest will do some ritual acts: pouring out some alcohol and saluting the spirits, preparing a candle to be lit so we can hear what the spirits have to say, and shuffling the cards in a certain way.

The cards are then laid out in 4 rows of 8. Based on where certain cards land, we can then tell you what the spirits have to say.

The court cards (Kings, Queens, and Jacks) can either represent lwa or human beings. The numbered cards represent different aspects of a person’s life: love, money, etc.

Here are a few things the leson can tell you:

1. What spirits are walking with you; the priestess/priest can tell you how to serve them and what they may be asking of you.

2. They can warn of danger or bad luck coming to you, and conversely can tell of blessings and advice on love, luck, money, and jobs.

3. Reveal patterns in your life that are helpful or harmful.

4. Reveal humans in your life that are important or harmful; like I said earlier, the face cards can represent humans, and they are known by their skin color: some people will be represented as white, brown, or black.

There are some things that clients do that really annoy readers of any kind, and I’d like to pass those along:

1. “Testing” the reader. This is my pet peeve numero uno. Please don’t sit in front of a reader and, when they ask you what areas of questioning you’d like to ask about, say “You’re the psychic; you tell me.” NOPE. If you absolutely insist on not telling us why you’re there, the cards may or may not reveal it, or they will reveal the areas of life you don’t want to talk about.

2. Demanding answers or just plain rudeness. We readers are professionals, and many of us have trained for years to be able to do what we do. You wouldn’t be rude to your doctor if you went to them, right? We are offering advice and help just like a doctor would do, so please be nice.

3. Not listening to advice or warnings. When I do a leson, I am just the messenger for the lwa. You can choose whether or not to follow their advice, but then, why did you come for a reading if you’re not going to take it?

So that’s a bit about leson. Feel free to ask questions, or contact me if you’d like a leson of your own; they can be done long distance.

Vodou for the Holidays/New Year

Bonjou zanmi! This time of year is very important for those who serve the lwa. Christmas is a time for the Petwo spirits, those hot and revolutionary lwa. Think about it: God came down to earth and was made flesh (as Jesus). What more magical activity could there be? 🙂

I’m available for readings (called “leson”) throughout the holiday season; a card reading can give you knowledge of which spirits walk with you and the forecast for your new year. I also do Vodou lamps and candles and can make you good luck baths that you can take in your home. If you live within reasonable distance of Boston, I can come to you and administer the bath for an extra good luck boost! Baths and magic work are priced on an individual basis. Card readings are $60.

Contact me here or email me: manbomary at gmail dot com for more info. Have a blessed holiday season!

Vodou Reading Times available this weekend

Bonjou friends! I have a few spots available for readings this weekend:

Saturday afternoon after 1pm US EST

Sunday afternoon after 12 noon US EST

Vodou readings are available for $60 US, payable to Paypal. Please send payment to manbomary at gmail dot com and then I’ll email you to set up a time for the phone call. Thanks and I’ll speak to you soon!