Candle Setting Services

Need a little light in your life? I dress and set glass vigil candles for all types of conditions: to draw love and luck, to draw money, even to drive an enemy away. You can even order a “run” of lights; burn 2 more more candles in a row. This is particularly good with stubborn cases or if you really want some oomph for your desire. One blessed and dressed candle, with your photo and petition, will be set on my altar and prayed over daily until it burns out (usually about 7 days). Once it’s done, I will read any signs I see in the leftover wax or glass and send you a report. Each light setting is $20. PM me to get yours started today!

Example of Hoodoo Candle Work

Below is a picture of some candle work I’m doing for a friend who’s ill. I took a female figure candle, dressed it with Healing oil (you can get it from Khi Armand; thanks, Khi!), and rolled it in a mixture of healing herbs like Lavender and Althea. The spell was then activated with prayer. I will pray over it every day until it’s burned out. Then I will bury the remains at a crossroads so it can manifest out into the world.




I do custom candle work like this for my clients. Contact me for more info!

Testimonial on a mojo bag/oil I made for a client

“When I opened it, I was very surprised to see a full half-ounce of dressing oil to feed the bag with. I didn’t expect that at all and had planned on asking her how she prefers her mojos fed, but it was a really nice inclusion and assures that I feed the mojo correctly every time.

The oil itself has a mild scent and the bottle includes bits of the herbs and curios appropriate to the cause.

The mojo is great and I love it. It came in a hand-sewn red flannel bag, as is traditional and it smells delicious. I can’t even explain how delicious it smells. If the scent could be bottled up (and it probably can….), I would wear it every day.

Opening mojo bags is not recommended, but a quick grope gives anyone who has done work before an idea of what might be inside. It is small enough that I tuck in my bra every day before heading off to make some damn money, and I have grown quite attached to it very quickly. I feel as if I am missing something if I don’t have it, and I’ve sort of bonded with it, if that makes sense.

If you are in need or desire a mojo for your cause, Manbo Mary does good work and I highly recommend her.” – Alex